Friday, 30 August 2013

Russian Powerlifter Has the Face of a Porcelain Doll and the Body of an Amazon

Yulia Viktorovna Vins, or Julia Vins, as she is known in the online bodybuilding and powerlifting communities, is a 17-year old Russian powerlifter who recently shot to Internet fame after a series of photos showing her doll-like face and impressive physique went viral.

Russia and countries of the former USSR have their share of doll-faced beauties – with Valeria Lukyanova,Anastasia Shpagina and Anzhelika Kenova being the most famous – but none of them have the impressive body of Yulia Vins. The young athlete from Engels, Russia, might have the face of a fragile porcelain doll, but her massive arm and leg muscles are enough to put most men to shame. In a recent interview with a fellow bodybuilding enthusiast, Yulia said she started working out to become stronger and build self-confidence, but had no intention of becoming a professional powerlifter. During the first year, she trained her muscles without following a clear workout program, but eventually decided she needed guidance. She was training at the school gym and the only coach there specialized in powerlifting and weightlifting. Yulia opted for the former, because she wanted her body to develop harmoniously, and in just one year she made extraordinary progress. She is currently preparing for her first official powerlifting competition, in September.

Although she has her share of admirers, Julia Vins admits there are those who criticize her choice and tell her she is ruining her body. Lately she has been trying to ignore such comments. She feels it’s her life, her body and she hates it when others try to impose their opinions on her. “There will always be people who respect my choice, or simply adequately explain why they don’t agree with it, but there is nothing to be gained by trying to defame someone who is following their dream,” the young athlete says. Her friends have always been very supportive, and some have even followed her example and joined her at the gym.


  1. 有自己的夢想 真的很棒 不需要在意那些只會批評的人 加油^^

  2. Juz follow your dreams and be happy Julia ! Nothing else beats that...

  3. my wishese wraped with love n care keep it up

  4. only envy those who do not like you,

    always successful perfect lady

  5. Do wat ever makes u happy, dats the most important thing,wish I cud keep fit too

  6. Julia looks awesome! I also do weightlifting with my gf, and we both wish we could look as great as she does.

    Is this blog really kept by Julia? She should write about her workouts and routines. I love her shoulders!

  7. You have the potential to be a great physique athlete. Many are following your progress. Good luck to you.

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  10. Good Luck for your First Powerlifting Competition. Hope you upload a video at the competition and make a Youtube Account

  11. YOU GO GIRL!!


  12. I think she's stunning. God really blessed her. Her figure is awesome! I'm motivated to work out now! :)

  13. I'm only 15 and you're my inspiration!

  14. the herculian gene came out on her. your amazing yulia... my inspiration...

  15. Hi, i'm Alex and i just want to say, you are very cute, not barbie girl cute, but puppy wolf cute, yet attractive as well.

  16. Pon mas fotos de esta ruca esta muy bien...

  17. Hey,

    You're great :) Don't lose motivation. Good luck and never give up :)
